The doctor came in this morning and told Tonya, despite his best efforts her potassium and magnesium are still low even though she has been getting them by IV since she has been in the hospital.
He said she is going to need to be on IV antibiotics for at least a couple of weeks even after she comes home. Since the labs are all messed up, the coming home thing may have to wait until Sunday or Monday. Right now that is still anyone's guess, but I think if they can get them back into normal range she should be able to come home sometime this weekend, we hope.
She is still hurting in her side and they say it is not a result of the current infection, however, no one seems to know what is causing it. It is looking like all the tests that are going to be done have been done. I am not aware of anymore tests that are on the schedule at this time. I don't know what else is to come but hopefully she will be home by the end of the weekend. Brian