CBC Happenings

What's happening at Collinsville Baptist Church and in our community.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Tonya Update

Tonight about 8:30 they took Tonya's temp. It was 101.8. Yes that's not a typo. The docs have said she will not get a pic line to come home on home health until she is completely fever free for 24 hours. The hope was to get a pic line placed today and come home tomorrow on home health. It has been a week and a day now and so far all that has happened is Tonya's temp has dropped from 103 to 101. Not a drastic change, but some improvement anyway. The docs said she has a bacterial blood infection and it will take a while to get rid of. We'll see how tomorrow goes. I'll let you know more as soon as I can.

Tonya Update

Here we are again still in the hospital. Tonya was told last night that they were going to put in a pic line today so she couldn't eat anything after midnight. About 1:30 today, the infection control doctor came in and said, you can't have a line until your fever is gone. So, she went all this time without eating or drinking and then was told it's not going to happen today. The fever is running around 100.6 so it's getting better, however, it is still not under control enough for her to come home. The hope and plan was to get the pic line today and come home tomorrow, but now that's not going to happen. Who knows? That's all for now. You are as up to date as I am.

Friday, June 27, 2008


WOW! Talk about answered prayer! We asked God to send children and He did!

We had 111 enrolled in classes, and over 40 workers, from nursery care to adult classes.

The closing fellowship on Thursday had 150 or more in attendance.
Thank you to everyone who served in all capacities.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Tonya Update

Hey again,

Here's the latest. The Groshong was pulled on Monday. The doctor came in today and said, "your blood work is the worst I've seen since you have been here". He said the hematocrit, which is your blood level for those of you who don't know what that means, is down to 28. Normal is 36-38. We still don't know if there is any internal bleeding or not at this time. He also said Tonya's magnesium and potassium was low. He made it a point to say, you're looking at being here at least another 9 days. They are still waiting on a culture to come back for the infected line they pulled so they can get the proper antibiotic to treat the infection. As of right now I don't think there is a bone infection, at least they haven't told us yet if there is one. A bone scan was done today, but we don't know the results yet. I'm assuming we will know tomorrow about that. That's about all for now. I'm going down tomorrow night when I get out of class and stay for a while. I'll let you know whatever else develops.


Monday, June 23, 2008

Tonya Update

Hello again,
Well, today they pulled the Groshong from Tonya. The surgeon said it was definitely infected. Tomorrow, Tuesday, they are going to do a bone scan to see if the infection has spread to the bone or not. I'm hoping not. Tonya is still receiving IV antibiotics and hopefully we will see some improvment in a couple of days. If you would like to call her her room number is 256-235-8306. I will let you know what happens next as soon as I can. Brian

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