CBC Happenings

What's happening at Collinsville Baptist Church and in our community.

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Youth Trip Deposit Needed Now.

Just a quick reminder about monies for the trip. If you haven't paid your deposit of $ 50.00 yet, I need it ASAP. THE FINAL BALANCE IS DUE NO LATER THAN MAY 12. I have to have money sent in by that day. This is the absolute last day to have money turned in.

I talked to Brett today, Thurs. May 1. He said we can arive on the second as early as we want to. It should take us about 6 hours to get there. If we leave early enough, we can go ahead and check in and enjoy the beach or pool or just relax for another day until the meeting that evening. I would like to leave around 4 AM. Yes this is not a typo, I said 4 AM. That way we can arrive hopefully early enough to get there with enough daylight left to go do whatever we want before the evening meeting. Does this sound okay to everyone? I hope so.

If someone would like to donate some drinks for us it would be greatly appreciated. Also if anyone would like to make some snacks or something we would appreciate that too. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. You know the numbers or the email.

Thanks, Brian


Tonya is back in the hospital suffering from an infection in the newly implanted medication port. Please keep her in your prayers.

May Important Dates

May Birthdays

01 - Jackie Myers
01 - Donna Etheredge
02 - JoAnn Smith
03 - Blase Brown
04 - Elisa Hernandez
07 - Chris Hogeland
08 - April Willingham
11 - Ola Chandler
13 - Rhea Barksdale Montpool
15 - Gary Burke
15 - Eloise Norris
16 - Casey Mattox
17 - Emily Roden
19 - Phil Jones
20 - Debra Tarrant
23 - Donny "Bear" Jones
23 - Meagan O’Shields
24 - JoAnn Myers
25 - Elaine Smith
26 - Mamie Moore
28 - Zachary Wilkins

May Anniversaries

11 - Davis & Eloise Norris
16 - Kelly & Bryan Hornbuckle
16 - Carol & Stan Zulker
22 - Bill & Jerry Delk
25 - J.R. & Donzella Bobo

May Baptism Anniversaries

03 - Rachel Jones Crane
03 - Jennifer Arthur
04 - Clay Gifford
04 - Blaine Rothell
07 - Sheila Anderson
09 - Scott Burke
10 - Andy Myers
29 - Ricky Jones
29 - Kim WIlkins
31 - Wayne Smith

April Important Dates

April Birthdays

01 - Richard Eads
01 - Jeremy Kassinger
06 - Laurie Gregg
07 - Tyler Gregg
09 - Riley Edwards
09 - Russ Beene
10 - Bill Delk
11 - Vanessa Chambers
12 - Andy Daniel
12 - Cheryl Hulsey
13 - Jack Blanton
14 - L.D. McReynolds
15 - Margaret Myers
15 - Jillian Pedraza
16 - Karen Reed
17 - Keith McKee
18 - Tiffany Nelson
18 - Ronald Smith
19 - Brandon Jones
20 - Brian Bowman
23 - Bryan Hornbuckle
25 - Stacey Mackey
30 - John Morgan
30 - Lou Sibert

April Anniversaries

03 - Josh and Allie Jones
06 - Joey & Terri Bobo
11 - Phil & Vanessa Chambers
12 - Rick & Jennifer Wilkins
15 - Marty & Marilyn Borntrager
30 - Arnold and Melissa Collette

April Baptism Anniversaries

03 - Matthew Morgan
03 - Russ Beene
03 - Emily Jones Stein
03 - Shawn Barkley
03 - Paige Alexander Malone
03 - Josh Jones
07 - Brent Killian
07 - Josh Alexander
07 - Robert Norwood

April Baptism Anniversaries, con’t.

07 - Hallie Hamiter Douglass
09 - Belle Hamiter
15 - Pam Laws
15 - Elaine Smith
15 - Zack Smith
15 - Haley Osborne
19 - Jennifer Wright
23 - Janet Nelson
25 - Ricky Carter
26 – Justin Foster
29 - Rhea Montpool
29 - Tammy Anderson

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