CBC Happenings

What's happening at Collinsville Baptist Church and in our community.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Breakaway 2008

The youth returned from the the Summer 2008 Breakaway shindig in Fort Walton Beach, FL. There were 200+ young people there and the place was covered up with the spirit of God. Countless youngsters, and maybe an oldster or two, went to the front and did personal business with their Lord and Savior each of the three nights. It was a very rewarding experience for all who went. There was plenty of time for pool, putt-putt, beach and Solarcaine as well as the planned activities. On a not so surprising note, the boy's room was judged the cleanest and best organized by the staff and they received a reward for their effort. As a privileged member of the boy's room I can only say, "Better luck next time, girls, and snicker...giggle...guffaw...belly-laugh...

Prayer Requests

Please pray for Christine Traffanstedt and her family.

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