CBC Happenings

What's happening at Collinsville Baptist Church and in our community.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Tonya Update 1

Just an update on Tonya. She is still in the hospital and this morning the urologist came in and said the culture wasn't growing anything. The infection control doctor came in around 12 and said the culture was starting to grow something. He said he would know more Monday so we know that she will at least be there until then. I don't expect to hear any new developments before Monday.

If anyone would like to call her room number is 205-838-6654, or she has her cell phone 613-3486.

I will send another update if there is anything new that comes up between now and then. Brian

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Tonya Now In St. Vincent's East

Hello everyone,

Once again Tonya was put back into the hospital today. She is at St. Vincent's East in Birmingham. The number to her room is 205-838-6654. Or she has her cell phone with her and that number is 256-613-3486. She has another kidney infection and is dehydrated. Her urologist put her in this time so maybe he can get her well before she comes home.

Just letting everyone know.

Updates tomorrow, Brian

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