CBC Happenings

What's happening at Collinsville Baptist Church and in our community.

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Blake's Operation A Success

Blake got the cochlear implant installed Tuesday and the doctor is very pleased. He said it is implanted perfectly. We are all thankful for that answered prayer. In a week or so, they will turn it on and Blake can start learning to interpret the signals from the device. The hearing in his other ear is improving (PTL) and I hope it is a help with the implant. Bill

Tonya Better, But Not On The Way Home Yet

I'm working tonight so I thought I would update everyone while I have a free minute.

The doc came in today and basically didn't say anything new. He did say that due to the bacteria that the urine culture grew out that it takes 10 days to obtain a sensitivity to see which antibiotic will work. So far, without the senstivity report, the I.V. Cipro seems to be doing the trick. I asked Tonya if the doc said she would have to stay for 10 days to see what the sensitivity was and she said he told her we will see what tomorrow brings.

I still think it's too early for her to come home yet. I think she needs to stay until at least Tuesday to get enough meds in her to stay well for a while. The doctor said he would like to repeat the cortisol test in 6 months to see if there have been any changes. I don't know how that is going to happen since she doesn't have any veins to get blood from. Tonya asked him if he could treat the symptoms since she appears to have them even though the tests were negative. That's when he said we will repeat the test in 6 months.

That's about it for now. I'll let you know if she gets to come home tomorrow. If anyone would like to call her, and please someone call her, she is so lonely there due to my working and Katie's condition she needs some calls or visits. The room number is 256-235-8337. Her cell is 256-613-3486. Well, I have a call to answer so pray for me. Brian

Christian Sympathy

To Nathaniel Beckett and family in the loss of his wife Eleanor.

To Mary Nell and James Adkins in the loss of her mother.

To the family of Sue Baker.

Friday, October 03, 2008

Tonya Will Be In The Hospital For A While

The hope of going home today has been dashed. There is an infection and the doc said Tonya needs to be monitored for a few more days.
There was a test ordered on Tuesday called a cortisone test. He said they are "checking for Addison's disease".
We don't know how much longer it will be before Tonya gets to come home.
I have to work this weekend so the updates may come late in the evening or early in the morning.

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Tonya Back In The Hospital

Well, as many of you already know, Tonya was put back in the hospital Tuesday afternoon. Her urine culture came back today and was positive for infection. We were told it was gram negative rods, whatever that means. Anyway, the doctor came in this morning (Thursday) and told Tonya she would probably go home tomorrow, Friday. He said insurance was giving him a hard time about her stay. She came in with a fever but so far since she has been here it has been only around 99.4 or so. That isn't enough to warrant keeping her in the hospital any longer.

I'll let you know if Tonya gets to come home or not tomorrow. Brian

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Prayer Requests

Anna Beth Dobbs, daughter of Sam & Kathy Dobbs of Ft Payne, she has a very rare, very serious disease. She is currently in Childrens Hospital where the doctors are trying to find a location and physicians to treat her. She is an eighth grader and has been removed from school because of fears of her getting sick, which they think she could not survive. Please pray also for the teachers at the middle school to be able to handle this and know how to talk to the students.

Debra Lynn Johnson, baby daughter of Tara Johnson is having seizures and is currently going to Childrens Hospital for a diagnosis.

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