CBC Happenings

What's happening at Collinsville Baptist Church and in our community.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Tonya Is Home!

First of all let me say I'm sorry for the late news but I had to work late yesterday. Tonya came home yesterday. Tonya's blood test for diabetes was negative. The doc said he thinks the first test was a false positive. So that is good news. On the other hand, Tonya is still running a low grade fever and all tests as coming back negative for infection. We don't know what is going to happen next. Anyway we are home for now. We'll see how long it lasts.
Until the next hospital trip, Brian

Friday, February 20, 2009

Just Thinking

When you take your last breath here, your next one is in heaven without wrinkles and pains so maybe it really isn't so bad...I just realized that my mother now looks younger than I do...gads! Bill

Thursday, February 19, 2009

No Results Yet On Tonya

Nothing new to report. Tonya still has a low grade temp. and they can't figure out why. Maybe we will know more tomorrow, but I have to work so it may be kind of late when I get the update out for Friday. If you would like to call 256-235-8345 Stringfellow Hospital This number is directly to Tonya's room. Brian

Let's remember to lift up Tonya and Brian and Toni and Jeff in prayer.

Tonie Sails Through Surgery

Timely word has it that Tonie Mathis underwent her surgery (s) today and is doing fine! PTL! Ain't God Good? More information as it arrives.

Tonya Day 4

We don't know anything new today. Just waiting on the blood work to come back. Doc said the A1C, the test for diabetes, will be back tomorrow. Tonya said he talked like she could possibly go home today but he changed his mind. She still has a low grade temp and no one can find out why. The urine culture still isn't growing anything out. That is both good and bad because we don't know what kind of bug the kidney infection is. She is on IV anti biotics but is still running a low grade fever. All blood work and cultures are coming back normal now that the potassium has been returned to it's normal level. Diarreha set in bad last night so we don't know where this is going right now. Hopefully, Tonya will be back home by SUnday. I just hope she is well when she gets released.
Until day 5, Brian

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Tonya Day 3

The doctor came in this morning and said Tonya's blood sugar was 240. He said it shouldn't be that high. He is going to check her and see if she has developed diabetes or not. I would assume she has and have thought she has had it for a while now. However, they have done the blood tests before to see if she was diabetic and they were negative. We will see how this one goes. He said we will take it day by day so we don't know when she is coming home as of yet. I'm not looking for her to come home before Sunday.
I have rescheduled my tests for next Friday. Hopefully she will be home by then because I can't wait any longer to do them. Even if she isn't home by next Friday I will still have to get my tests done. Hopefully, I will not need gallbladder surgery but we'll see.
Until tomorrow, Brian

Bonnie F. Payne

There will be a Memorial Service at Collinsville Baptist Church on Saturday, February 21, 2009 at 11:00 A.M. In lieu of flowers the family requests donations be made to the Collinsville Public Library.
Please do not bring food as the family is leaving town right after the service.

Tonya update for day 2

The doctor came in Tuesday morning and said Tonya's Potassium was low (2.9). He also said she was dehydrated and had a kidney infection. That was about all we learned yesterday. I was very busy so I didn't have time to keep the updates current. Maybe today will be better and I can get a timely update to you today. Brian

Monday, February 16, 2009

Tonya Back in Stringfellow

Hey Everyone,
Just wanted to let you all know that Tonya was put back into the hospital today. She has been sick for the last week or two and has been trying to avoid going to the hospital, but today it was inevitable. Her legs began cramping and she was unable to keep anything down. We called the doc and he said come to the office. We went and as soon as he looked at Tonya he said okay I'll write the hospital orders. So, she is in room 345 at Stringfellow in Anniston. Her phone number to the room is 235-8345. She also has her cell phone with her. 613-3486. Brian

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