CBC Happenings

What's happening at Collinsville Baptist Church and in our community.

Monday, April 03, 2006


THE TRUE WAY and the sure way to friendship is through humilty----
being open to each other, accepting each other just as we are, knowing each other.
~Mother Teresa

DeKalb Baptist Associational News

DeKalb/Philippine Mission Partnership Mission Trip Request

The team will leave Ft. Payne June 15 and return June 25.

This trip is near Butuan, Philippines working alongside Southern Baptist Missionaries Jess and Wendy Jennings. They need volunteers to work on camp buildings and medical volunteers to have a free medical clinic. All of this goes along with evangelism.
If you need more information, contact: Doris Elliott 256-630-2006 or doris@fbcfp.org


Associational Bible Drills Tuesday April 18, 2006 Broadway Baptist Church Registration: 4:00 p.m. Drill begins at 4:30 p.m.

District Bible Drills Thursday, April 20, 2006 Boaz First Baptist Church Registration:
4:00 p.m. Drill begins at 4:30 p.m.

This Week's Anniversaries

Josh and Allie Jones
Joey and Terri Bobo

Happy Anniversary!

This Week's Birthdays

Richard Eads
Jeremy Kassinger
Candy Godshall
Laurie Gregg

Happy Birthday!

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Simple Truth

It is possible to know all about doctrine and still not know Jesus. A person's soul is in grave danger when the knowledge of doctrine surpasses Jesus, avoiding imtimate touch with him.

- Oswald Chambers

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