CBC Happenings

What's happening at Collinsville Baptist Church and in our community.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Tonya Update # 5

The on call doctor came in today. He told Tonya if she had developed this V.R.E. (Vancomycin Resistant Enterococcus), this time last year there would not have been anything to treat it with. Our concern now is, will this bacteria mutate into something that this antibiotic will not work against later? The antibiotic she is on now is working great but who knows if it will work next time.

So far Tonya is improving and it looks like she will still get to come home on Monday as planned.

Until tomorrow, Brian

Friday, July 17, 2009

Tonya Update #4

The doctor came in this morning and said if everything stays the way it is now Tonya can come home Monday. She will be on Zyvox for 10 more days after she comes home. He said he spoke to the infection control doctor and they discussed Tonya's condition. They are concerned Tonya will get an infection one day that there won't be an antibiotic available to treat. They said she is taking the top of the line antibiotic now and there aren't any others available. We are worried that if she gets another infection it may mutate into a strain that there isnt a medication to treat. Right now the way it looks, Tonya is getting better and can come home Monday as long as nothing changes between now and then. Keep a happy thought. Until tomorrow, Brian

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Tonya Update #3

The doctor just came in and said it appears Tonya is responding to the antibiotics and her temp is down but still low grade. He said if she keeps going like this we are looking at Monday or Tuesday for going home. Then it will be meds by mouth after that. He said Tonya's white count is decreasing and her current culture isn't growing anything. He also said he wanted to wait for 5 days on the culture to make sure it will not grow anything. So, the only thing we know for sure right now is that Tonya is responding to the antibiotics and that she will be in the hospital until at least Monday or Tuesday. We will see how the rest of the week goes and I will keep everyone informed. Until tomorrow, Brian

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Tonya Update #2

The doctor came in this morning and told Tonya she had a nasty and very bad bug. He said this will not be a quick and easy fix and not to expect this to be a short stay in the hospital. He said the sample of urine she gave last night when she came to the hospital is already growing out puss and other stuff. He also said this is very hard to treat. He is calling in an infection control specialist to help. That's about it for now. Until tomorrow, Brian

Tonya Update

Tonya is in Room 353 at Stringfellow Hospital in Anniston. The direct number to her room is 256=235=8353. She also has her Verizon cell phone at 613-3486. If anyone would like to give her a call. The doc hasn't been in this morning yet. I will send another email later today with an update on her condition. I don't expect to see much improvement unitl at least Saturday or Sunday. Brian

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Tonya Is Back In The Hospital

Well, Tonya just got a call from her doctor about the latest urine culture. It has grown a bug called VRE and has been told there is no medicine by mouth that will work on it. This means we are now off to Stringfellow Hospital for who knows how long so she can get IV antibiotics to fix this. Hopefully this wont last too long. I will keep you all updated as usual. Brian

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