CBC Happenings

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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Tonya Readmitted to Hospital

Just a note to let you all know that I had to take Tonya to the ER last night with a temp of 105.1. I called her doctor and he said she needed to be admitted so he could find out what was going on. He said you don't normally run a temp of this magnitude unless something is going on. He said he is going to find out what it is but we have to wait on some tests.
I worked yesterday and didn't get home until 7:30. We left at 9:30 headed to the ER and I didn't get back home until 4 this morning after getting up at 4 yesterday morning. I had to call in sick or I would have had to do another 12 hours today with no sleep.
The doctor came in this morning and said Tonya has some infection in her urine, but otherwise blood work looks fine. I find this difficult to believe since she has been so sick the past few days.
I will keep you all updated when I can. Thank you, Brian


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